Welcome to my Podfic Website
Below you will find the list of all of my published podfics!

Thrall by Hamstercheese7

All The Small Things by Aurum

Herbs and Honey by Zipcodecrone

Fever When You Hold Me Tight by PiratePlunder

Retired by decoyjayman

Confluence by altokiwi

Screen / Shiki-e by Harmonica Smile

Conversation by Neolavender

The Brighter the Light [The Darker the Shadow] by Patchworkseal

The Memory Of Color by Cyborg Franky

Loud by yourwacksnatched

They Grow Up So Fast by SnailorBee

Nightmares and Marine Jello by PiratePlunder

Prometheus by Patchworkseal

Court Cards by Senna

A Lesson Not Imparted by Ruxy

Overworked and Underpaid by Harmonica Smile

Not Inherently Evil by konfuse

Sealed in Stone by Myst

Just The Same by Oswin

Crucible by Hamstercheese7

Heavy Lies The Coat by ni21

When Justice Calls by Chiaki

Eternal Peace by Hamstercheese7

Quality Cinema by Hamstercheese7